The second application time ends on 30.9.


There seems to be lots of Turbulence in our World!
We can only hope for a brighter future and keep on going as planned. All the travelling restrictions cause a lot of worries, and also,
how fast they change - as we have all recently seen...

Nevertheless, we will go through all applications gladly, and announce all semifinalists on 15.10.!
After that you all have the possibility to change only ONE (1) song or aria in Your program (semifinal and final). Only one, because the idea of Your artistic personality is known to us from the picture you give in your application. If the changes would drastically change this picture, you possibly wouldn't be the Singer we are looking for. Deadline for changes is 30.10.

Our pianists are going to inform You who is working with who.
If you have a preference in mind, add it to your message of song change or no change.

In the very beginning of November we shall inform you whether the competition is going to take place as planned or,
IF we need to take a new course: postpone it to August 2021 -
with all semifinalists chosen and announced on 15.10.20.

Let us hope for a get-together Singing on 28.11.2020!

Take gooood care!
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Best of wishes,